Saturday, 23 August 2008

Loreena McKennitt

Loreena McKennitt has one of the most beautiful voices that I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. Loreena is a Canadian singer and composer who has been recording wonderful music for over twenty years. I have to ask myself ,why have I just discovered her? I have read that she began her music career by selling her recordings by mail order,working from her kitchen table. She went on to produce her own concert tours and still is self-managed and head of her own successful record label. She has gold,platinum and multi-platinum awards in fifteen countries. I so hope you enjoy her "celtic style" of music as much as I do .


Janejill said...

Ha! Now I know what I want for Christmas - you could be a music stylist , I think. Beautiful sound. Oh MM get rid of the word verifying thingy, for my sake )-:

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Wonderful voice isn't it. I will try with the verification;trouble id I don't kmow how I got it. said...

I've never heard of her either. Huh! And don't try being someone that you aren't MM, you are great just the way you are.

marymaryquitecontrary said...

OH, thank you so much "retired." I am just not interested in politics;comes from living in Northern Ireland all my life and seeing what a mess politicians made here. Although I did once work for "The ministry of Commerce" the only interest I have in Finance is "can I afford those new shoes and could I stretch to the handbag to match. The answer somehow is always "Why not"

Kathleen said...

Oh yeah, I've enjoyed Loreena McKennitt for several years. Love her incredible voice, her multi-cultural music and her wild red hair. My favorite of her albums is "Book of Secrets"

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Thanks Kathleen that is the first album I will buy then.